December 11, 2006

The Shirt on Your Back

A reflection on the power of team work

Sometimes we think we can get by without the help of others.

So take a moment to think abouth the "Shirt on your Back"

  1. Firstly give thanks to Mother Nature
  2. Then the farmers that grew the raw cotton
  3. The people that made the truck
  4. The people that transported the raw cotton to be processed
  5. The people that processed the cotton,
  6. In the factory that was built by many other people
  7. The people that transported the cotton to the factory that made the fabric
  8. The people that made the fabric
  9. In the factory that was built by many other people
  10. The people that transported the fabric to the Shirt factory
  11. The people that checked the quality and colour of the fabric
  12. The people that designed the Shirt
  13. The people that made the buttons
  14. The people that cut the Shirt
  15. The people that stitched the Shirt
  16. The people that packaged the Shirt
  17. The people that marketed the Shirt
  18. The shop that ordered the Shirt
  19. The people that transported the Shirt to the shop
  20. The people that sold the Shirt to you
Its amazing isnt it?

It probably took more than a hundred strangers to take it from the field to your closet.

This is why you should smile every morning when you put your Shirt on!

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