September 05, 2007

Market Segment Profile: Metro WDM

A key battleground in the Optical Networking market

Metro WDM has been steadily increasing as a fraction of optical spending due to the growth of video and data transport applications. While annualized spending in the global Optical Networking (ON) market as a whole grew 26 percent between 1Q05 and 1Q07, the metro WDM market grew 84 percent. The metro WDM market is beginning to cannibalize some next-generation multi-service SONET/SDH growth and will increasingly do so as Ethernet clients become a greater portion of the interface mix.

Network operators are increasingly deploying metro WDM for video transport network backbones that require low-latency and have stringent quality of service guarantees. Large bandwidth requirements and uncertain demand per node are fuelling interest in the ROADM.

Major areas covered in this report include:

  • Market segment description.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Competitor ratings.
  • Market drivers and inhibitors.
  • Competitive threats and opportunities.
  • Market trends (and non-trends).
  • Technology innovation.
  • Market events.
  • Full description of metro WDM.
  • Select public metro WDM deployments.

Competition has heated up as well with a host of vendors including ADVA Optical Networking, Fujitsu, Huawei, and Tellabs challenging Alcatel-Lucent’s and Nortel's grip on the market. The graph below shows vendor global metro WDM positioning (as of Q1-2007):

Convergence of Layer-0, -1, and -2 technologies on a single platform is improving cost optimization of next-generation transport networks. Also, the market spending is increasing among non-traditional ON buyer segments such as MSO, enterprise financial, healthcare, municipal/government, etc.

Strong growth coupled with intensifying competition make Metro WDM a key battleground in the ON market. Order your copy today to understand key trends and developments in this market and capitalize on its opportunities.

»To order the report Email: reports@datamonitor.com

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