March 30, 2007

Improve Your Customer Analytics - Know your audience.

Methodology to Improve Your Customer Analytics - First rule of marketing? Know your audience.

DATE: Tuesday, April 3, 2007

TIME: 10am PT/ 11am MT/ 12pm CT/ 1pm ET


Sid Banerjee, CEO, Clarabridge
Fern Halper, Partner, Hurwitz and Associates

Marla Chupack, Moderator, American Marketing Association

COST: Complimentary


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Your customers provide valuable feedback which properly utilized provides a competitive advantage: Product review sites show discussions on product features and functions on; Call centers transcribe actual customer experiences; Your brand's reputation stands or falls in forums and blogs. Knowing this information drives success and more and more companies recognize the need to move away from manual processing of consumer data and traditional research methods.

Fern Halper, Partner from Hurwitz and Associates, will explore the growth and potential impact of the text mining field, which turns text into insight. Sid Banerjee, CEO of Clarabridge, follows by relating a methodology developed in response to requests from Clarabridge clients who wanted to enhance their Voice of the Customer operations.

In this webinar you will learn how companies can:

  • Identify and categorize how customers feel about your product and company.
  • Design programs around opportunities or in response to problem areas. Integrate a process that monitors future intent of customers.
  • Measure the results of marketing initiatives more quickly.

Anyone responsible for marketing programs, customer care or the analysts that support these departments can apply this methodology within their organizations.

Information on Speakers

Sid Banerjee is the CEO of Clarabridge. A 2005 Greater Washington Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Sid is the co-founder of ClarabridgeTM. Over his career Sid has amassed more than 15 years of BI consulting experience. He was a founding employee at MicroStrategy, where he held Vice President-level positions in both product marketing and worldwide services. Before joining MicroStrategy, Sid held management positions at Ernst & Young and Sprint International. Sid holds BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Fern Halper is Partner at Hurwitz & Associates, an industry analyst firm. She has held key positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Lucent Technologies and directed strategy and product line planning for Lucent's Internet Software Unit. Fern spent eight years at Bell Laboratories leading the development of innovative approaches and systems to analyze marketing and operational data. Fern has published numerous articles on data mining and information technology and she is an adjunct professor at Bentley College, where she teaches courses in Information Systems and Business

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