March 23, 2007

Brown's gas is quite green actually

Today I met my good friend Professor Tony Mills, chairman of Equipnet Innovo.

His company has developed the first range of oxyhydrogen (Brown's Gas) machines to be granted CE rating and ATEX approval for distribution across Europe.

These machines have a wide spectrum of applications in many industries. This ranges from metal cutting, brazing, soldering, and welding to space heating.

Brown’s gas is inherently green since it is produced by cracking water and does not emit CO2. It is very clean when used.

Another key benefit is that the machines themselves only produce gas on demand and operate at low pressure. Traditional processes use compressed gas stored in cylinders. These can be hazardous. Under extreme conditions, such as a major fire, they can explode.

Tony tells me that Equipnet Innovo has just take delivery of its first batch of 350 litre machines for sale in Europe and will soon make available a much larger 1750 litre model.

Equipnet Innovo has offices in UK, Thailand, HongKong and China.

I am very grateful to Tony for telling me about Brown’s gas. Although this has been around for many years it has not yet been fully exploited.

Given today’s focus on the environment this gas will take a more important place in the world of business. There are considerable development opportunities.

You can contact Tony here.

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