February 18, 2007

My Business Project Generates €50 million for French DIY Group

This post on www.physicalsupplychains.com makes me very happy (English translation below).

I am delighted for Lionel Boudoussier and all the team at AGT Group, and even more so for the Mr Bricolage network, which now has at its disposal state of the art, real time, business intelligence for stock and treasury optimisation.

AGT has invented a new Business Intelligence solution for The French DIY group, Mr Bricolage.

Christened "Restore Cash" the new system will allow Mr Bricolage to gain between 50 and 100 million Euros in less than 18 months!

The latest version of AGTs "Webservice", a real time information exchange, populates "Restore Cash" with all the key information, allowing each store to optimise its stock management.

AGT's Bespoke management information system, "IG4", is already at the financial heart of the Mr Bricolage network. IG4 allows elegant and effective data mining. In just a few clicks all the company's financial and commercial information can be analysed and presented.

Drawing on the power of "IG4" and the abundance of data already available. AGT has identified a ratio which allows measure and control of optimum stock levels for each line item. This information is used to provide a considerable boost to treasury in each store.

Optimal stock levels are automatically compared to actual stock levels. Re-order levels and order quantities are calculated for each supplier. Stock management is dramatically improved. Any overstocking is rapidly identified and corrected, the risk of holding obselete stock is much diminished.

Mr. Bricolage further leverages this Business Intelligence thanks to the feedback element of AGT's"Webservice". Mr Bricolage benefits from the management information and advice provided by the AGT group's specially trained advisors, who closely follow the financial performance and treasury management of each store.

AGT continues on its mission with the goal of helping Directors find their serenity !!!

Congratulations AGT !!!

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