February 08, 2007


If we don't spend time saving time....this is what happens.

We take on more and more tasks... until we don't have any time left!

We don't even have enough time to ask these fundamental questions

  • Which tasks are the most important?
  • Which tasks can be done by somebody else?
  • Which tasks can be done differently?
  • Which tasks can be scrapped?

We lose the luxury of having time to innovate.

It "is a bit like fourteen fat men trying to get into an elevator - nothing can move"
Graham Cluley, senior consultant Sophos Inc.

The commitment to working smarter instead of harder can be very rewarding.

Invest some precious time, every day, to reflect and adapt.

There will always be something we can do to save time and effort.

The trick is having the time to find it!

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